Animal Development at Dale
Dale Fort and the Zoology field trip provides the time and resources crucial to the study of animal development. Links below will take you to photos and movies we have captured while at Dale.
A planet and its moon?
No, a sea squirt egg stained with DAPI to highlight the test cell nuclei (with an aesthetically, if not scientifically, pleasing bubble!).
We have studied the development of;
- Molluscs, with the limpets, Patella vulgata and Patella aspera, and the sea hare, Aplysia punctata
- Chordates, with the sea squirts, Ascidiella aspersa, Ascidiella scabra and Ciona intestinalis
- Annelids, with the keel worm, Pomatoceros triqueter
- An Arthropod, the sand hopper
- Cell aggregation using various species of sponge including Halichondria panicea
- And more